Cryptocurrencies are getting popular these days, right? Well, there is nothing new in this, the idea of digital money was out there for a long time, it is good to see that people are actually making something about it. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about it right now, what I want to talk about is how the popularity of cryptocurrencies inspires game developers to build games associated with this niche. One of such online games is well known – Dogeminer 2: Back 2 The Moon.

Doge Miner 2 is the second version of the game, this game belongs to the click games category and it is all about collecting resources and buying upgrades. Keep in mind that this game is the second version, there is already the first version of the game and it is extremely popular and entertaining, the game is built on HTML 5 platform, it runs smoothly, it looks awesome and the gameplay is for sure enjoyable.

How to play:
Well at the beginning you just press with the mouse on the doge to collect the very first bag of coins, after collecting a specific amount of coins you will get an opportunity to buy new upgrades which will make coin collection an easy job. The main idea of the game is to collect as many coins as it is possible, to buy more miners, to hire more workers, to open more farms and increase your mining capacities.

This game is a pretty much-upgraded version of Cookie Clicker and other click games out there, starting stage of the game is routine and kind of boring, but it becomes addicting and entertaining in the later stage of the game, when you hire workers, when open mining facilities and when you automate the process of coin production.

Like I have said before there are tons of different upgrades in the game, you can, for example, get Mining Shibe (it costs very little, this is exactly why it produces only 0.2 DPS). You can get Doge Kennels they have up to 2 DPS (a significant upgrade compared to Mining Shibe).

There are other cool upgrades in the game as well, Slave Kittens (like a cat lover I disapprove of this name), Space Rocket, etc. Each unit is unique and different, each unit produces a specific amount of DPS and a specific amount of coins.

It is also important to note that there are other upgrades as well, thing is that they are locked and in order to unlock them you will have to upgrade previous ones first. It will take a while to open all upgrades, but you will enjoy the process for sure.

The objective of the game:
Well, what kind of objectives can you have in clicking games? That’s right, to produce as many resources per second as it is possible. However, developers made some specific objectives apart from general ones in Doge Miner 2. Your main goal is to reach the Moon! This is well-known slang among crypto traders, it means an increase of price on specific coins and reaching huge levels. So your goal is to become as rich as it is possible and reach the Moon!

Another objective is to open all upgrades, hire all units and create a mining empire.

Other funny upgrades:
You can buy in shop different units and you can unlock different upgrades as well from time to time. You can find both listed features in the main menu of the game. One of the upgrades is for example Euphoria, it allows you to replace ordinary Mining Shibe with fedoras and it will improve tipping income. There are other cool upgrades as well, they will pop-up from time to time as game progress increases, make sure that you will always check these upgrades and buy them whenever you have an opportunity.

Artifacts, some random drops and other items:
There are so many things happening in this game that it will take some time to list all of them here, I will just give you the advice to keep an eye on pop-up messages from the game. They will tell you about new features, read descriptions carefully in order to increase your coin production, in order to automate the process and in order to enjoy the game fully.

My favorite item is Bronze Doge Fortune, it is a mysterious artifact imbued with magical powers, in other words, it gives you 10% luck and extra 18 points of happiness.

Like I have said before, the game has tons of different hidden secrets, tons of different units, upgrades, shop items, etc. You will enjoy this game for sure.

Total stats:
There are various stats in the game, they calculate different parameters and help you to understand how things work, what you need to improve and what you need to increase. For example, the game calculates your level of luck (in percentages), your level of happiness, sadness, your WoW percentage, your ability to find loot, etc.

Check these stats, you will learn a lot from this analytics tool.

There are various achievements in the game, they usually come with rewards as well. Anyway keep in mind that the main achievement is Moon Express, when you reach a specific level of the game you lunch yourself to the Moon and you continue the mining process there.
Pretty entertaining stage of the game actually, same way as in AARPGames10X10.

This game on your device:
You can now download the second version of the game on your phone and play it from there. I must say that a mobile version of the game looks pretty decent. Check the download links below.

A guide from YouTube:
I just came across the following video a while ago and I must say that the author of this video is really funny, he provides interesting details in the best possible way, with a sense of humor and simple language. Check the following video guide if you want to learn more about this game.

For a long time, my favorite clicking game was Cookie Clicker, I always enjoyed it and I always loved to play this game, but after playing Doge Miner 2 I changed my mind. Now I consider it as the best online clicking game, in terms of upgrades, in terms of the possibility to buy different units, in terms of various tokens, achievements, and drops this game is number one.

The game is really enjoyable and fun, if you have some ideas that you would love to share with us please use the comments section below.

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